InGo Test Summit | Nov. 30, 2021 | Miami, FL, USA

why attend

Top reasons to attend the InGo Test Summit

Exclusive Attendee List

Each summit brings together top IT executives to have in-depth conversations about industry pain points and best practices. These individuals are guaranteed to be Senior Level IT decision-makers.

One-on-One Business Meetings

Each summit offers attendees the change to interact with their peers through a number of engagements and dialogues that include Think Tank sessions, panel discussions as well as problem solving Roundtables and one-on-one meetings with leading solution providers. These are crucial opportunities for them to learn about products and services of interest to their organization.

Networking Opportunities

Enables them to build a network of IT executive peers capable of providing you with invaluable business advice with which to grow your career.

Intimate Environment

Each summit creates opportunities for valuable conversations with peers, analysts and solution providers in a comfortable, yet focused business setting.


Time out of office must yield results, we know. When they invest their time in our events we ensure that they leave with invaluable information that will help move their organization ahead of the competition.

Balanced Agenda

Each summit balances agenda sessions, networking breaks and meals to maximize business opportunities, while giving attendees ample breathing room and relaxation.

Productive Environment

Each summit creates a focused environment that allows executives to focus on the issues that are most important to their organizations.

Learning Opportunity

Agenda sessions at our summits feature top IT executives speaking on topics aligned with their knowledge and expertise. Speakers guide sessions in the right direction, laying the groundwork for productive interaction.

Step Back

Executives attending our summits can take some time away from their desks to reflect and re-examine the issues and goals that occupy their time in the office. Our summits allow attendees to confront challenges that daily circumstances may be shielding.

Focused and Efficient

Our summit team ensures that all aspects of the event are run smoothly and according to schedule, so that attendees are free to focus on matters at hand.

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